How to use

How to Use AeroBooster 2.0?

Step 1: Prepare the breath trainer. Ensure the breath trainer is clean before starting. Place the mouthpiece in your mouth with the word "top" engraved at the base of the mouthpiece facing upward. Bite gently on the sides of the mouthpiece to hold it in place.

Step 2: Proper breathing technique. Stand or sit comfortably in an upright position with good posture. Adjust the resistance level to the desired breathing resistance (make it challenging but not uncomfortable). Inhale deeply through the mouthpiece until you can't anymore, then exhale evenly through the mouthpiece until you're almost out of air. Repeat this 10 times to complete one set.

Focus on filling your lungs completely with air. This activates your inspiratory muscles.

Step 3: Remove the device from your mouth and breathe normally until you've caught your breath again. Then repeat the exercise as described above.

A session consists of 3 sets with 10 repetitions in each set. We recommend doing 1-2 sessions per day.

Remember, regularity is key to seeing improvements in endurance and respiratory health. Most people see results within 4-6 weeks. Practice regularly and enjoy the benefits of improved endurance and well-being.

Please make sure to read the disclaimer and steps before using GymWhiz AeroBooster.


  • Immediately stop using AeroBooster 2.0 if you experience physical discomfort.

  • If you have a cold, sinusitis, or respiratory infections, we recommend not using AeroBooster 2.0 until the symptoms have subsided.

  • To avoid potential infection transmission, we recommend not sharing the AeroBooster device with other users, including family members.

  • Do not use AeroBooster 2.0 if you have:

    • Spontaneous pneumothorax (a collapsed lung not due to trauma, e.g., a broken rib)
    • A collapsed lung due to trauma that has not completely healed.
    • A burst eardrum that has not completely healed, or any other condition affecting the eardrum.
    • Asthma with frequent severe exacerbations.
  • If you have medical conditions related to the respiratory system, heart, or blood pressure, we recommend consulting your doctor before using the AeroBooster 2.0 breath trainer.

  • Do not use while driving.

  • Do not use AeroBooster 2.0 breath trainer for more than a total of 20 minutes per day.

Please note that all information and resources provided by Gymwhiz are strictly intended for informational purposes and should not be construed as medical advice or a substitute for professional medical treatment. This information is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, immediate treatment, or formal first aid training. Do not use this information to diagnose or develop a treatment plan for a health problem or illness without consulting a qualified healthcare professional.

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